✨ New Bible Study Series Starts January 6!✨

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The latest from the desk of the Soul of Worship Ministry Team

[PODCAST] Season 4 Episode 3: WORSHIP - Release a Confident Sound


EPISODE 3: WORSHIP - Release a Confident Sound

1 Corinthians 14:8 says,

"For if the trumpet makes an uncertain sound, who will prepare for battle?"

Join me in this podcast episode to discuss the Biblical importance of a trumpet sound and how it was used as a preparation step for battle. Not only that, but the delivery of the sound itself was critically important.

If the sound was uncertain or weak, no one would prepare for the battle ahead.

In our daily lives, we need to proclaim God's truth and shout with a loud voice His name with complete confidence, truly believing that He is able to help us through any battle or season of life.

Throughout this episode, we'll be reading from:

  • Numbers 10
  • Joshua 6
  • Judges 7

Listen in and then go out there and make a confident sound of worship and praise to our mighty God who is worthy of it!


Download the FREE resource called 3 Biblical Truths to Empower Your...

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[PODCAST] Season 4 Episode 2: WORSHIP - Let God Exalt Your Horn


EPISODE 2: WORSHIP -  Let God Exalt Your Horn

Psalms 89:15-18 says,

"Blessed are the people who know the joyful sound! They walk, O Lord , in the light of Your countenance. In Your name they rejoice all day long, And in Your righteousness they are exalted. For You are the glory of their strength, And in Your favor our horn is exalted. For our shield belongs to the Lord , And our king to the Holy One of Israel."

Dive with me today into this passage to dissect the blessings that coming with KNOWING the joyful sound and what it means to have our horn exalted.

SEASON 4: WORSHIP - Back to Basics

Learning how to become a true, authentic worshiper, one who worships in spirit and in truth, will help us remain firmly planted in God’s truth when the rest of the world is falling apart around us.

And doesn't it feel like it's been falling apart more and more these days?!

Join me in this podcast season to take it back to the basics of...

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Silence Doesn't Mean He Isn't Working

As we remember and celebrate the historic events of Jesus' death and resurrection this weekend, I can't help but ponder on that "Silent Saturday."

That day when the disciples and believers in Jesus just sat in their grief, stunned, replaying every moment of these last days.

Maybe even smiling for a moment when they remembered one of the miraculous signs, only to be reminded that their Savior's dead body now lay in a tomb.

Yet, in hindsight, we know that God was doing HIS BEST WORK in what only appeared to be a Silent Saturday.

There was a battle in hell that I doubt was absent of sound.

May we remember that in our darkest moments, when it appears that Jesus is nowhere to be found, He is still working.

Jesus is fighting that battle against your enemy for you.

Just sit and be still and wait in expectation of what He promised.

Sunday is coming.

'Be still, and know that I am God;

I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth! The Lord of hosts is with us;

The God...

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[PODCAST] Season 4 Episode 1: WORSHIP - Don't Leave by the Same Gate You Entered


EPISODE 1: WORSHIP - Don't Leave by the Same Gate You Entered

Learning how to become a true, authentic worshiper, one who worships in spirit and in truth, will help us remain firmly planted in God’s truth when the rest of the world is falling apart around us.

And doesn't it feel like it's been falling apart more and more these days?!

Join me in this podcast season to take it back to the basics of worship and praise.

Listen now and study with me what the Word says about the warfare of worship and learn how to confidently use our voices to declare God’s promises, God’s truth, and God’s goodness over our lives and watch our desert seasons flourish into a gardens of praise and triumph!

We'll also be talking about this interesting passage in Ezekiel 46:

'“But when the people of the land come before the Lord on the appointed feast days, whoever enters by way of the north gate to worship shall go out by way of the...

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MAKE A SOUND Worship & Prayer Conference! Replay

The MAKE A SOUND Worship & Prayer Conference last weekend was a success for the glory of God!

We joined forces with local ministries to make a unified sound of worship, praise, and prayer that moved mountains and brought Heaven down.

There are so many testimonies of breakthrough, healings, and salvation.

I am so grateful for how the LORD always responds to our invitation to pour out His power and glory!

If you'd like to watch the replay and gain deeper understandings of the power of prayer, worship, and movement, click here for the Part 1 - Morning Session, and click here for the Part 2 - Afternoon Session


Who is ready for more?



PS: Take a look at all of the conference photos here!  

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[PODCAST] BONUS Episode: 10 Practical Tips to Help Busy Mamas Seek Peace in the Midst of Parenting Chaos.

BONUS Episode: 10 Practical Tips to Help Busy Mamas Seek Peace in the Midst of Parenting Chaos.

Even on my busiest days, my brain doesn’t forget to tell my body to breathe or my blood to circulate. Those functions are so critical for our survival, we never put them on the back burner for the sake of productivity.

In the same way, feeding on the Word of God and drinking from the wells of salvation will keep us spiritually nourished, well-hydrated, and energized to tackle every challenge of each and every day.

But I don’t say this lightly.

I am not trying to add more pressure.

I’m telling you that there are simple and practical ways for you to seek peace in the midst of parenting chaos.

Not so that you can check it off a list.

Not so you can take a pretty Instagram picture.

But so that you are strong, filled to overflowing, and able to pour out freely into the ones you love the most.

Yes, Sister.

You are able to grow spiritually in this season, while also leading...

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[PODCAST] Season 3 Episode 4: When it is BETTER to Just be Silent.

Welcome to Season 3 of the Soul of Worship: Are You Making a Sound? Podcast!


WEEK 4: When It Is BETTER to Just Be Silent - LISTEN NOW!

Being silent often takes more strength than speaking freely.


But it is doable, when we know the red flags.

Take a listen and take note of the 3 Scenarios When it is Better to Just be Silent.

In The Power of the Tongue Online Bible Study series, we will be diving deep into Scripture to study why our words matter. We will explore what kind of fruit we are bearing with our verbal expression, how our words can either speak life or death into our lives, the generational impact our speech will have on our families, and when it is better to just be silent.


For all of the notes and scripture references, don’t forget to check out www.soulofworship.com/powerofthetongue to instantly download the full 4 week Bible study guide for free!

MAKE A SOUND Worship & Prayer...

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[PODCAST] Season 3 Episode 3: Make a Positive Generational Impact

Welcome to Season 3 of the Soul of Worship: Are You Making a Sound? Podcast!

This season we are walking through The Power of the Tongue Online Bible Study Series.

Episode 3: Make a Positive Generational Impact - LISTEN NOW!

God always thinks in terms of generations.

From the beginning of time, He has had the long term view in perfect focus.

Our All-Knowing God weaves together the story of several generations for His greater purpose. Every promise that God has made to Abraham, to Noah, to David, to anyone has been a covenant between Him and that person and their descendants.

To maintain access to those generational blessings and promises, our great responsibility is to see that our children know about God and His power.

God’s intention is that we teach the new generation how to speak with wisdom, pray continuously, worship with power, search the Word for truth, obey and trust in God, and above all love how God loves us.

In The Power of the Tongue Online Bible Study series, we...

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[PODCAST] Season 3 Episode 2: Choose Wisely - SPEAK LIFE!

Welcome to Season 3 of the Soul of Worship: Are You Making a Sound? Podcast!

This season we are walking through The Power of the Tongue Online Bible Study Series. 

WEEK 2: Choose Wisely - SPEAK LIFE! Listen Now!

 "Death and life are in the power of the tongue,

And those who love it will eat its fruit.”

Proverbs 18:21

Will the words that you eat and serve to others be nourishing and healthful to the body or will they be like poison that cause decay and sickness?

Will your words carry death or bring forth life?

In The Power of the Tongue Online Bible Study series, we will be diving deep into Scripture to study why our words matter. We will explore what kind of fruit we are bearing with our verbal expression, how our words can either speak life or death into our lives, the generational impact our speech will have on our families, and when it is better to just be silent.


  • For all of the notes and scripture references, don’t...

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❤️SHARE THE LOVE❤️ BOGO SALE! Happening Now!

sale shop Feb 05, 2021


Happening Now on the Soul of Worship Ministry Shop!

Buy One, Get One 50% OFF and SHARE THE LOVE of Jesus with those most special to you!


Every time you shop with us, you are supporting the availability of free online Bible study resources through the Soul of Worship Ministry!

Let's continue to share the love today.

Valid on all products.

Shop the sale now and until 11:59pm ET on Sunday, February 14th! 


'For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. '

John 3:16

Thank you in advance for your support,


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Worship with Power!

In this free Worship & Praise Bible study bundle, you'll receive a beautifully designed 9 page PDF that outlines three incredibly powerful worship concepts: Use Your Voice as a Trumpet Sound, Lift Up Your Hands in Victory, and the Sacrifice of Thanksgiving. 

You'll also be added to our email list so that you never miss out on new Bible study resources available through the Soul of Worship Ministry.