Weekly Online Bible Study

The Soul of Worship Ministry hosts weekly online Bible studies open to anyone who is hungry for more wisdom and knowledge of the Word of God.

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What are we studying next?

Starting Monday, June 3, 2024, we are going to begin a new series: SO MUCH BETTER - A deep study on the superiority of Jesus Christ through The Epistle to the Hebrews.


And the writer of the letter to the Hebrews wanted to make sure this was a known fact!

"...having become so much better...He has by inheritance obtained a more excellent name..." Hebrews 1:4

In times of delay, struggle, or even distraction, we might be tempted toĀ put our trust in something different or go back to our old ways.

But the writer of the Epistle to the Hebrews presents the case to Jewish Christians (and definitely to us today!) that Jesus is SO MUCH BETTER than anything we trusted in before or can find out there in this world.Ā 

So let us hold fast to our faith (Hebrews 4:14) and run with endurance the race that is set before us! (Hebrews 12:1)


  • Ā Chapter by chapter deepĀ dive of Hebrews and in the superiority of Jesus Christ, including why Jesus is SO MUCH BETTER than:
    • the prophets
    • the angels
    • Moses
    • Joshua
    • Aaron
    • the Old Covenant's sanctuary and sacrificesĀ 
  • Practical instructions for us to apply to our lives today to encourage us to continue walking in faith, enduringĀ until the end, just as Jesus did!Ā 

Join us weekly beginning, Monday,Ā JuneĀ 3, 2024Ā to get the full experience, but please know that this study is open at any time to new participants.Ā 

Meeting Details:

  • On Monday Nights, we have a live group discussion of the weekly study at 8pm ET via Zoom. Once you register, you'll get the Zoom info!
  • If you miss a Monday night study, don't worry! We also do a weekly recapĀ on Thursdays at 9:30am via Facebook & Instagram LIVE.Ā 

Click on the button below to register now and get all of the information you need to get started!

Yes, Count Me In!

There's never been a better time to join an online Bible study.

Online studies are free. Once you register, you will be emailed ALL of the instructions on when and how to join!

If you register and do not see an email with login instructions, please check your spam folder. If you still can't find it, please email [email protected] and we will help you! 

We hope to see you soon!

Register Now!

Get access to our LIVE online discussion every Monday night! You'll also receive a weekly Bible study directly emailed to you with free PDF downloads and other resources designed to expand your understanding of the current Bible study series.

Let's work together to Spread the WORD!

You never know who may be desperately searching for truth and YOU can be the one to lead them to it.

Download the Online Bible Study flyer, print, cut along the vertical dotted lines, and post in your community! 

Most libraries, grocery stores, and small businesses still have bulletin boards for exactly this kind of flyer. 

Thank you in advance for being the hands and feet of Jesus.

Let's lead more to the TRUTH of Jesus Christ.