✨ New Bible Study Series Starts January 6!✨

The Blog

The latest from the desk of the Soul of Worship Ministry Team

NOW VIRTUAL: MAKE A SOUND Worship & Prayer Online Conference!

I have good news and bad news.

Which one would you like to hear first?

The bad news? Okay.

After much prayer and deliberation, due to the rapid rise of COVID-19 cases in our area, the conference committee and Pinebrook Conference center have decided to postpone the in-person MAKE A SOUND Worship & Prayer Conference to Saturday, March 27, 2021.

Bummer, I know.

But we have already been praying and fasting for Saturday, 12/12/20 to be separated as a special day of worship and prayer for our local community and for our nation. It doesn't feel right to just do nothing on that day.

So are you ready for the good news?


Please follow Soul of Worship Ministry on Facebook and watch an adapted program via Facebook LIVE on Saturday, 12/12/20 beginning at 9:30am ET!

So now we will have no barriers from stopping us to share empowering words, worship, and prayer, to keep us firmly positioned on the Truth of God's Word during these challenging times.

It might look a little...

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Worship with Power!

In this free Worship & Praise Bible study bundle, you'll receive a beautifully designed 9 page PDF that outlines three incredibly powerful worship concepts: Use Your Voice as a Trumpet Sound, Lift Up Your Hands in Victory, and the Sacrifice of Thanksgiving. 

You'll also be added to our email list so that you never miss out on new Bible study resources available through the Soul of Worship Ministry.