✨ New Bible Study Series Starts January 6!✨

The Blog

The latest from the desk of the Soul of Worship Ministry Team

Silence Doesn't Mean He Isn't Working

As we remember and celebrate the historic events of Jesus' death and resurrection this weekend, I can't help but ponder on that "Silent Saturday."

That day when the disciples and believers in Jesus just sat in their grief, stunned, replaying every moment of these last days.

Maybe even smiling for a moment when they remembered one of the miraculous signs, only to be reminded that their Savior's dead body now lay in a tomb.

Yet, in hindsight, we know that God was doing HIS BEST WORK in what only appeared to be a Silent Saturday.

There was a battle in hell that I doubt was absent of sound.

May we remember that in our darkest moments, when it appears that Jesus is nowhere to be found, He is still working.

Jesus is fighting that battle against your enemy for you.

Just sit and be still and wait in expectation of what He promised.

Sunday is coming.

'Be still, and know that I am God;

I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth! The Lord of hosts is with us;

The God...

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FB LIVE Bible Study Replay - February 3, 2021

Did you miss Monday night's online Bible study?

Watch the Facebook LIVE replay right here!

(Presentation Starts at Minute 2:45)

So let's dive deep into John Chapter 5 and receive a greater understanding of the following main topics:

  • The Healing of the Man at Bethesda and Jesus' instructions for unlocking miracles in our lives
  • Jesus' Lengthy Response to those trying to Persecute Him and what this reveals about who Jesus is and His relationship to the Father.

Watch and let me know what you've learned!

Want to join our LIVE discussion Online Bible Study on Monday nights or be on the list to receive the presentation download?

Register Here!

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FB LIVE Bible Study Replay - January 20, 2021

Did you miss Monday night's online Bible study?

Watch the Facebook LIVE replay right here!

So let's dive deep into John Chapter 3 and receive a greater understanding of the following main topics:

  • Nighttime Chat Between Jesus & Nicodemus and all of the truth about Jesus' mission and the concept of spiritual rebirth.
  • John the Baptist Exalts Christ - He must increase, but I must decrease!

Watch and let me know what you've learned!

Want to join our LIVE discussion Online Bible Study on Monday nights?

Register Here!

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FB LIVE Bible Study Replay - January 13, 2021

Did you miss Monday night's online Bible study?

Watch the Facebook LIVE replay right here! 

So let's dive deep into John Chapter 2 and receive a greater understanding of the following main topics:

Jesus' First Miracle: Turning Water into Wine

  • Why was this Jesus' first miracle?
  • What was this revealing about Jesus' ministry?
  • What deeper meanings can we uncover?

Jesus' Cleansing the Temple

  • Why was Jesus so mad at the merchants?
  • What was Jesus revealing about true worship?
  • How does this point to the Cross?

Jesus: The Discerner of Hearts

  • Is believing enough for salvation?
  • What is genuine faith?

Watch and let me know what you've learned!


Want to join our LIVE Online Bible Study on Monday nights?

Register Here

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FB LIVE Bible Study Replay - January 6, 2021

Did you miss Monday night's study?
New in 2021, every Wednesday afternoon at 4pm ET, I will be going LIVE on the Soul of Worship Ministry Facebook Page to do a full recap of that week's online Bible study!

If you missed both, you can watch the Facebook LIVE video here!



I did start off with a prayer over our nation since the timing of yesterday's live was shortly after things began getting chaotic at the US Capitol. 

I believe our role as believers is to proclaim the PEACE of Jesus Christ at all times. The authority of peace that Jesus gives us is the authority over all chaos. 

May we continue to pray for peace and pray for our leaders, every day and no matter who is in office. 

With that aside, dive deep into John Chapter 1 with me and receive a greater understanding of the following main topics:

  • Jesus is the Eternal Word
  • Jesus is the Light
  • Receive & Believe = Supernatural Rebirth as Children of God
  • Jesus The Word Becomes Flesh
  • ...
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Introduction to the Gospel of John - The Eternal Word!

It felt so good to be back online last night for our Monday night Online Bible Studies!

God is revealing so much to us about His character and His fullness through this deliberately slow walk through the Gospel of John.

[Want to join the LIVE Bible Study on Monday nights? Register here!]

John provides such a beautiful revelation:

The Word is Jesus Christ and He is the eternal, ultimate expression of God.

John links Jesus the Word with the Word of God at Creation.

  • Jesus was present originally with God!

In the beginning, God spoke the world into existence.

In the Gospel, God spoke His final Word, through the LIVING Word, His Son, Jesus Christ.

Jesus reveals the unseen God to us, just as a word reveals an unseen thought.

Jesus conveys to us:

  • the thoughts of God
  • the wisdom of God

Mind blowing, right?

"In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it."
John 1:4-5

LIFE & LIGHT are two...

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New Bible Study Series: Know God by Getting to Know Jesus! [Starts January 4, 2021!]

Authentic Worship Requires an Authentic Relationship.

How can we authentically worship a God that we don't know on a personal basis?

Let's start 2021 by deeply studying the Gospel of John and getting to know Jesus through His ministry on earth.

John 1:14 says, "And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth."

The more we understand and comprehend the character of Jesus, the more we will understand and comprehend the character of Father God:

  • the fullness of His glory,
  • the fullness of His grace, and
  • the fullness of His truth.

Challenge yourself to have a deeper, more meaningful and intimate relationship with the Savior of the World, Jesus Christ.

Join us beginning, Monday, January 4, 2021 to get the full Online Bible Study Series experience, but please know that this study is open at ANY TIME to new participants!

Register Today: www.soulofworship.com/onlinebiblestudy

Let's fall in love...

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50% Complete

Worship with Power!

In this free Worship & Praise Bible study bundle, you'll receive a beautifully designed 9 page PDF that outlines three incredibly powerful worship concepts: Use Your Voice as a Trumpet Sound, Lift Up Your Hands in Victory, and the Sacrifice of Thanksgiving. 

You'll also be added to our email list so that you never miss out on new Bible study resources available through the Soul of Worship Ministry.