The latest from the desk of the Soul of Worship Ministry Team
For the first two weeks of this study, we reminded ourselves of our POSITION as believers in Christ.
Last week, we focused on what it means to "walk worthy of the calling" and all of the practical ways in which we can live triumphant lives guided by the Holy Spirit.
Ephesians 6 opens up with additional guidance on how to live Spirit-filled lives in the following relationships:
Then it will be time to armor up with the whole armor of God!
We are going to analyze each piece of the armor and how to use the whole armor of God most effectively.
The Purpose of Spiritual Warfare
We are to be prepared to engage in spiritual warfare as believers in Christ. Why?
For the last two episodes, we've been reminding ourselves of our POSITION as believers in Christ, as part of our Are You Battle Ready? online Bible study series.
We must live fully convinced, by faith, of the power we have through the Holy Spirit alive in us.
Now that we know how to stand, let's walk worthy of our calling as it says in Ephesians 4:1-3:
"I, therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you to walk worthy of the calling with which you were called, with all lowliness and gentleness, with longsuffering, bearing with one another in love, endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace."
At the highest level, to "Walk Worthy of the Calling" means to:
If we follow these standards, we will...
Know Who You Are - PART II
To recap last week’s episode, before we can wage war, we need to know who we are in Christ.
Ephesians 1 says we are blessed with every spiritual blessing, sealed and authorized by the Holy Spirit, and that we are carriers of His power and glory.
Wow! But it doesn't stop there.
Ephesians 2 & 3 provide even more descriptions of who we are as believers in Jesus Christ.
As we go through and turn these verses into “I AM” statements, I want you to be reminded of your value, of your purpose, and to be fully convinced of the exceedingly great power that is able to work through you, in the Name of Jesus.
Let's go!
If you’re like me and enjoy Bible study resources, downloads, and guides to review the Scriptures more in depth, I would...
The Soul of Worship - Are You Making a Sound? Podcast is BACK for a new season in 2022!
I believe it’s an incredibly prophetic and ground shaking year for the Church and for our communities.
Wells of revival are breaking open and I believe a great outpouring of His presence by way of worship-saturated prayer is on the way!
But we have to be aware that the enemy is going to try to stop us, distract us, and discourage us so that this great awakening doesn’t occur.
So I’ve been led by the Lord to revisit a Bible study we did back in 2020 called “Are you Battle Ready?”
It’s a 4 part study on the Apostle Paul’s letter to the Ephesians.
For the next 4 weeks on the podcast, we are going to be studying Ephesians to learn how to mature in our walks in Christ in order to be able to battle against the evil powers of darkness.
Before we can be CALLED TO WAR, we must first learn how to...
In this episode, let's chat about how beautifully David worshiped God with "all of his might" in celebratory gladness and how we too can delight the heart of God by releasing a joyful sound unto the throne.
Over the last few weeks, God has really been pressing on my heart the following words, “CELEBRATE ME!”.
It started around the same time as the Jewish calendar celebrates their New Year and I couldn’t help but be reminded that God is a God that never changes…And if He thousands of years ago established feasts and seasons of celebration, then that is what He still desires from His children, even today.
The most common expression of praise that say all of the time is Hallelujah.
The root word is Halal which generally means to boast, brag, celebrate, or rave about God.
Halle-lu-YAH - When we say Hallelujah we are celebrating Yahweh.
We are bragging about how awesome and powerful He is - how great is His love and grace...
In this episode, I am sharing a Word that God gave me to share at a conference back in July under the theme, "Worship Without Limits."
How do we get there?
How do we get to a place where we can freely worship God with all that we have, in Spirit and in Truth, without worrying about the criticisms of others?
I thought "Worship Without Limits" was such a great theme and I think every single speaker that day mentioned one key: greater intimacy with Jesus!
So take a listen to today's new podcast episode and allow it to encourage you to take your worship to the next level.
Learn more about the 12 week Bible study journey, WORSHIP: ARE YOU MAKING A SOUND? at
Come worship with us at our next event:
I don't know about you, but I NEED the presence of God in my life on the REGULAR.
The moment I'm feeling distant, the pressure and worries start to arise.
I have learned, and I remind you today, that it is critical to maintain a posture of worship and praise.
We can't afford to forget to lift up our voice to the Father!
The enemy will try to distract you or keep you extra busy, because he knows the power that is in your sound.
When we worship, God is enthroned, His Presence is summoned to our location, and the enemy is defeated in Jesus' Name!
I think you're going to love today's podcast episode.
Take a listen and let it remind you that you have access to the presence of God and the key is in your mouth.
Scripture References:
Learn more about the 12 week Bible study journey, WORSHIP: ARE YOU MAKING A SOUND? at
In Season 4 Episode 5, we discussed how our hope in God is a confident expectation that God will fulfill His promises over us.
We can trust that God will remain faithful to us, even in times of great trial, because He is always faithful and trustworthy.
Our hope is an anchor to the everlasting power of Heaven, that will keep us secure and steadfast even when the winds and waves are raging against us.
Therefore, we can worship God for being our God of Hope.
In today's episode, we will be focusing on The Hope of Salvation.
One could say that the entire Word of God is one long story of salvation.
From the beginning of time, God has put in place an intricate plan to redeem and save His creation from the wages of sin and death.
So today, we are going to thank, honor, and worship God for being our God of Salvation, our Savior.
In today's episode, we are chatting with a special Sister-in-Christ, Lizette Morales-Ortiz! Lizette is a fellow worship leader, with an anointed prophetic voice, and the founder of Consuming Fire Deliverance Ministries.
Don't miss this discussion where we discuss how worship and deliverance are intertwined, Lizette shares a very personal testimony of how she overcame intense grief and anger after losing her dear father, and how those trials and tribulations propelled her into a new season of increased authority in Jesus Christ and a passion to see people set free and released from the bondages of sin by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Over the next several episodes, we are going to be talking about worshiping God for WHO He is.
If you remember, Jesus said in John 4:23-24 that the Father is seeking true worshipers who will worship the Father in Spirit and in truth.
In just the previous verse, Jesus tells the woman at the well, “you worship what you do not know, we know what we worship.”
In order to worship God in spirit and in truth, we HAVE to know HIM.
The deeper we know Him, the more authentically we can worship Him.
So over the next few episodes, we’ll be talking about some of the aspects of God’s Character so we can turn that revelation of Who He is into powerful, authentic, truthful worship that pleases the LORD.
Today, let’s worship God because He is the God of HOPE.
Take a listen and let me know what you think!
Scripture References:
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In this free Worship & Praise Bible study bundle, you'll receive a beautifully designed 9 page PDF that outlines three incredibly powerful worship concepts: Use Your Voice as a Trumpet Sound, Lift Up Your Hands in Victory, and the Sacrifice of Thanksgiving.
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