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The latest from the desk of the Soul of Worship Ministry Team

Why is Psalm 92 a Song for the Sabbath Day?

online bible study psalms Jun 27, 2023

During last night's Bible study, we took our time to look at every verse in Psalm 92. 

Psalm 92 is unique because while every psalm is intended for worship of the LORD, this is the only psalm that is noted as "a song for the Sabbath day." 

Why is Psalm 92 a Song for the Sabbath day?

So right away, we realize that this song is a special one! 

We don't know who wrote it, but we know its intention: 

PSALM 92 is a song to refocus your attention away from the busyness of life and rightfully back on the Most High God.

The Sabbath day is not just a day of rest - it's a day to cease and stop your normal work to reposition God as the center of your worship. 

In the Hebrew, "Sabbath" is also defined as an "intermission."

So this song is a powerful invitation to take a pause or break from whatever was previously capturing your attention, so you can go back to it with renewed strength and focus. 

What shall we do when we intentionally pause from the...

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Yearning for an Encounter with the Living God

online bible study psalms Jun 13, 2023

Last night during our online Bible study Zoom discussion, we did a line-by-line deep dive into Psalm 84.

Psalm 84 is such a sweet, yet powerful psalm overflowing with promise and power that can only be found in the presence of God.

When we yearn to be close to the LORD, by making worship in the House of God a priority in our lives, we will encounter the LIVING GOD! 

Let's look at these first two verses:

"How lovely is Your tabernacle, O LORD of hosts! My soul longs, yes, even faints For the courts of the LORD; My heart and my flesh cry out for the living God." Psalm 84:1-2

The psalmists of Psalm 84, the Sons of Korah, were desperate to be in the House of the LORD. 

They were desperate for the courts...they were deeply longing to spend time in worship before the Living God.

Why? Because without the presence of the Living God, we are weak! We are left dry, hungry, and thirsty.

BUT IN the House of the LORD, in His courts, in His presence, we will find...

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Are you missing out on these blessings?

online bible study psalms Jun 06, 2023

It felt so good to be back online with our Soul of Worship Ministry Online Bible Study community last night! 

After a week away, we meditated on these 4 simple but powerful verses in Psalm 89:

"Blessed are the people who know the joyful sound! They walk, O LORD, in the light of Your countenance. In Your name they rejoice all day long, And in Your righteousness they are exalted. For You are the glory of their strength, And in Your favor our horn is exalted. For our shield belongs to the LORD, And our king to the Holy One of Israel."

Psalm 89:15-18

Psalm 89 was written by Ethan the Ezrahite, a man that was known as a man of wisdom (1 Kings 4:29-31). 

And what wisdom did Ethan the Ezrahite want to share with the people of Israel? 

The blessings that are unlocked when we know the joyful sound! 

Blessed are those who know how to worship, why they worship, WHO they worship, and what true worship sounds like!

We went deep on...

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Who was Asaph of the Psalms?

online bible study psalms May 02, 2023

In our online Bible study last night, we began to dig into the themes of Book 3: Psalms 73-89. 

This third volume of praise and prayer consists of only 17 psalms, 11 of which are penned by Asaph.

So I thought, who is Asaph? What's his story? 

Asaph is mentioned a few times in 1 and 2 Chronicles, from where we learn a few things:

  • Asaph's name means "gatherer" in Hebrew 
  • Asaph was a Levite, appointed by David when the Ark was brought into Jerusalem
  • Asaph was a singer and a musician with the assignment to "raise the voice with resounding joy" 
  • Asaph's assignment grew to Chief Musician, prophetic worshiper in David's army, and seer
  • Asaph's sons continued in his legacy 

(References: I Chronicles 15:16-19, I Chronicles 16:4-5,7, I Chronicles 25:1-2,6-7, and II Chronicles 29:30) 

Yet, the high calling and successful ministry did not make Asaph exempt from feeling weak, confused, going through trials, or questioning his life's...

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What is Biblical Hope? And how can I take hold of it?

online bible study psalms Apr 11, 2023

Though situations arise that seem hopeless, overwhelming, oppressive, and fearful, the Psalms remind us that God is our hope in every circumstance.

What is hope?

In general, "Hope" can be defined as: 

  • an optimistic state of mind,
  • a feeling of expectation, and
  • a desire for a certain outcome.

We might casually say, “I hope it doesn’t rain tomorrow, because I’d like to take a walk.” But keep in mind, that kind of hope doesn’t come with any guarantees.

What is Biblical hope?

Biblical Hope is the strong and confident expectation that God *will fulfill* His promises over us.

The strength of our Biblical hope is in God’s faithfulness.

We can be confident in God’s promises because God has always been faithful.

So our hope is secure and steadfast, because we have no reason to believe that His faithfulness will end with us.

"Why are you cast down, O my soul? And why are you disquieted within me? Hope in God, for I shall yet praise Him For...

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The Art of Worshipful Silence

online bible study psalms Mar 28, 2023

I love to encourage you to MAKE A SOUND! (I think we all know that!)

But I would be wrong if I didn't also make it clear that stillness before the LORD is worship, too.

Worshipful silence before the presence of God and in obedience to the Holy Spirit is a sign of humility, confident expectation, and submission to God's strategies.

Let's take a look at Jericho!

We often teach about Jericho to encourage the power of worship and praise since the walls came tumbling down after a holy shout from the people of Israel. (And this is still true!)

But before it was time for the shout, there was a lot of walking and waiting in confident silence.

“Now Joshua had commanded the people, saying, “You shall not shout or make any noise with your voice, nor shall a word proceed out of your mouth, until the day I say to you, ‘Shout!’ Then you shall...

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David's Great Song of Deliverance - Part 1

Worship through song is a powerful way to experience the liberating, chain-breaking power of Almighty God.

If you know me for any time at all, you know this is a constant theme I speak about and live by - WORSHIP CHANGES THINGS!

While it can be easy to sing praises to God after a victory, we know that David often worshiped before, during, and after the battles that he faced.

Because of David's genuine and constant state of worship through prayer and praise, David experienced God's ground-shaking deliverances time and time again.

David wrote many songs of deliverance and in fact said in Psalm 32:7 that God would surround him with songs of deliverance.

But Psalm 18 is something special.

Psalm 18 is one of the most powerful songs of deliverance sung by King David and is the longest Psalm of Book One.

It is also fully captured in 2 Samuel 22.

When God repeats Himself in Scripture, we ought to pay attention!

We broke down just the first half of this psalm in our online Bible study this...

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The Walk of Faith - And Why It Doesn't Have to be So Scary!

bible study psalms worship Dec 13, 2022

Hebrews 11:6 states that without faith it is impossible to please God.

We discussed during our Online Bible Study last night that David's worship through prayer and praise pleased God, because David expressed complete trust and confidence in the LORD, no matter what he was going through.

David had faith to TRUST God to fulfill His Word.

And David had faith to TRUST God's character.

David wrote in Psalm 9 verse 10,

"And those who know Your name will put their trust in You; For You, LORD, have not forsaken those who seek You."


When we break this verse down, we can conclude the following:

1. Because I know God and He knows me, I can have unwavering faith that He will never leave me nor forsake me.

2. Because I walk by faith, with purpose and in pursuit of His presence, I can put my complete trust in YHWH!

I can confidently trust in the totality of God's character - in everything that His Name represents!!

The Great I AM is reliable and totally trustworthy!

And when we...

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Come, let us worship and bow down!

praise psalms worship Nov 11, 2022

"Oh come, let us worship and bow down; Let us kneel before the Lord our Maker." Psalms 95:6

In this one verse, there are 3 unique Hebrew words used to describe this invitation to worship the LORD our Maker.

worship = shâchâh = to depress, to bow down, or to fall down flat.
bow down = kâraʻ = to bend the knee; to sink, to prostrate
kneel = bârak = to bless God; to bow down and kneel in humble reverence

This verse alone is a picture of humility before Yahweh.

It is meant to inspire us as worshipers to bring ourselves low before God, not just physically bowing down but humbling ourselves before Him.

Bending down shows reverence, expresses honor, submission, and allegiance to His high authority.

We bow down because there is no greater or more powerful being and He is worthy of our complete surrender.

So come, let us worship and bow down; Let us kneel before the Lord our Maker! 

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I will bless the LORD...

A little worship and praise inspiration from the work of my 6 year old and some fresh cut flowers from our garden.

Unlike the flowers which will soon fade and pass away, the Word of God will never pass away.

It remains true and powerful forever.

With increased time at home and for the foreseeable future, I am trying to take advantage of this opportunity and be more intentional about the seeds I am planting in our children.

Seeds of hope.

Seeds of love.

Seeds of peace.

Seeds of praise.

Seeds of value.

Seeds of salvation.

Seeds of everlasting truth.

“I will bless the LORD at all times; His praise shall continually be in my mouth.”
Psalms 34:1

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Worship with Power!

In this free Worship & Praise Bible study bundle, you'll receive a beautifully designed 9 page PDF that outlines three incredibly powerful worship concepts: Use Your Voice as a Trumpet Sound, Lift Up Your Hands in Victory, and the Sacrifice of Thanksgiving. 

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