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Why is Psalm 92 a Song for the Sabbath Day?

Jun 27, 2023

During last night's Bible study, we took our time to look at every verse in Psalm 92. 

Psalm 92 is unique because while every psalm is intended for worship of the LORD, this is the only psalm that is noted as "a song for the Sabbath day." 

Why is Psalm 92 a Song for the Sabbath day?

So right away, we realize that this song is a special one! 

We don't know who wrote it, but we know its intention: 

PSALM 92 is a song to refocus your attention away from the busyness of life and rightfully back on the Most High God.

The Sabbath day is not just a day of rest - it's a day to cease and stop your normal work to reposition God as the center of your worship. 

In the Hebrew, "Sabbath" is also defined as an "intermission."

So this song is a powerful invitation to take a pause or break from whatever was previously capturing your attention, so you can go back to it with renewed strength and focus. 

What shall we do when we intentionally pause from the hustle and bustle of life to reconnect with God? 


"It is good to give thanks to the LORD, 

And to sing praises to Your name, O Most High; 

To declare Your lovingkindness in the morning, 

And Your faithfulness every night, 

On an instrument of ten strings, 

On the lute, 

And on the harp, 

With harmonious sound."

Psalm 92:1-3

Worship through lifting our hands in gratitude, singing praises to His Name, declaring his eternal love and faithfulness despite the time or season, with every instrument we know how to use, is a GOOD WAY to spend our time when we need a reset! And dare I say, a GREAT WAY! 

While yes, we should absolutely live a lifestyle of daily worship, let's follow God's design to set aside one day a week to put a pause of everything else in our life and put ALL of our attention on Him. 

*This was just the beginning of our online Bible study conversation this week. Psalm 92 continues to warn of the end result for the wicked and the many blessings that come to those who plant themselves in the house of the LORD! 

If you missed our online Bible study Zoom on Monday night, keep reading for how to get caught up!*

Did you miss Monday night's online Bible study?

  • Register here to gain access to our online Bible study Zoom link, weekly PDF downloads, and reminder emails.
  • Join me on Wednesday for the LUNCHTIME LIVE online Bible study recap at 12pm ET on Facebook or Instagram!

Do you have a login to our online learning portal?

All PDFs are now loaded to Soul of Worship Ministry's THE WORKSHOP! The Workshop is our online learning portal that holds all available resources for all online Bible study series we've ever done. Once you create a login, you are free to use any of the online Bible study materials for your own personal study or to use for leading others in small group Bible studies.

Also, by Thursday of every week, the Lunchtime LIVE recap video is also loaded into The Workshop! The goal is to have all online Bible study resources readily available in one place.

Want to learn more about the power of worship & praise?

The Worship: Are You Making a Sound? Book is an incredible Bible study resource to go really deep into the Word of God to understand the power we have in our sound as children of God. Grab a copy of the book here or enroll in our self-guided, video e-course, available now!

Keep on praising,

Sara-Marie & the Soul of Worship Ministry Team

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