✨ New Bible Study Series Starts January 6!✨

David's Great Song of Deliverance - Part 1

Jan 10, 2023

Worship through song is a powerful way to experience the liberating, chain-breaking power of Almighty God.

If you know me for any time at all, you know this is a constant theme I speak about and live by - WORSHIP CHANGES THINGS!

While it can be easy to sing praises to God after a victory, we know that David often worshiped before, during, and after the battles that he faced.

Because of David's genuine and constant state of worship through prayer and praise, David experienced God's ground-shaking deliverances time and time again.

David wrote many songs of deliverance and in fact said in Psalm 32:7 that God would surround him with songs of deliverance.

But Psalm 18 is something special.

Psalm 18 is one of the most powerful songs of deliverance sung by King David and is the longest Psalm of Book One.

It is also fully captured in 2 Samuel 22.

When God repeats Himself in Scripture, we ought to pay attention!

We broke down just the first half of this psalm in our online Bible study this week and we were reminded of such critically important kingdom truths.

Next week, we'll keep going in the Great Psalm of Deliverance for Part 2! You should join us :)

Did you miss Monday night's Bible study?

  • Register here to gain access to our Zoom link, weekly PDF downloads, and reminder emails.
  • Join me on Wednesday for the LUNCHTIME LIVE recap at 12pm ET on Facebook or Instagram!

Do you have a login to our online learning portal?

All PDFs are now loaded to Soul of Worship Ministry's THE WORKSHOP! The Workshop is our online learning portal that holds all available resources for all Bible study series we've ever done. Once you create a login, you are free to use any of the Bible study materials for your own personal study or to use for leading others in small group studies.

Also, starting with The Psalms study, I'll also be loading the Lunchtime LIVE recap video into The Workshop! The goal is to have all resources readily available in one place!

Want to learn more about the power of worship & praise?

The Worship: Are You Making a Sound? Book is an incredible resource to go really deep into the Word of God to understand the power we have in our sound as children of God. Grab a copy of the book here or enroll in our self-guided, video e-course, available now!

Keep on praising,


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Worship with Power!

In this free Worship & Praise Bible study bundle, you'll receive a beautifully designed 9 page PDF that outlines three incredibly powerful worship concepts: Use Your Voice as a Trumpet Sound, Lift Up Your Hands in Victory, and the Sacrifice of Thanksgiving. 

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