✨ New Bible Study Series Starts January 6!✨

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The latest from the desk of the Soul of Worship Ministry Team

The morning I couldn't pray.

janice crespo prayer Jun 03, 2023

One morning I was trying to pray but kept thinking of all the things happening in my life that were weighing on me. 

I kept getting frustrated as I was trying to pray about each situation, but you know how one thought leads to another, then to another, and then you’re playing out scenarios in your head and find yourself not praying at all? That was me.

I would catch myself and start praying again, only for it to happen a few more times.  I found myself apologizing to God each time. 

Suddenly, I had a vision.

I was at the altar and I had a bunch of bags with me. As I was kneeling there, I was not praying, but instead I unzipped the bag and removed what looked like coal or rocks.

I took out the dirty coal and placed it on the altar. 

As soon as I placed it on the altar it turned into a flower!

When I picked it back up to look at it, it was a coal again.

I smiled as I realized what was happening and continued to take them out of my bags and place them ALL...

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New Online Bible Study Series: THE PSALMS - Unlocking the Power with Prayer & Praise


Bring about permanent and radical change to your life and daily worship through an intimate, personal relationship with God.

Since they were written, the Psalms have been a powerful source of personal inspiration and spiritual strength.

When we lack the words to say, we can often open up to the Psalms and find that the psalmists seem to relate very well to our emotional pleas and deepest thoughts. 

When we apply a psalm to our lives, often it becomes the first step towards our own deliverance. 

A song of deliverance from the Psalms can bring words that are like honey to our souls. The Holy Spirit inspired words bring comfort, strength, healing, and remind us to keep our eyes up toward our Creator. 

Let's unlock together the Holy Spirit's power through prayer and praise, by studying:

  • each of the 5 unique collections that make up The Psalms,
  • the anointed songwriters who wrote them
  • the common...
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10 Bible Verses to Pray over Fear

In light of all that is happening in the world today as it relates to COVID-19, it can be so easy to fall into the cycle of fear and anxiety of the unknown.

Watch the Video 

Yet, God does not want us to live in the shackles of fear. God is still bigger and greater than any disease or sickness and we can still rely on His goodness and power. God has not stopped being God. We must take every negative thought captive and submit it to the obedience of Christ, as the Word says we have the power to do in 2 Corinthians 10:5.

It is our human nature to worry. When we surround ourselves with hour after hour of the media telling us why we should fear, we will only breed more fear in ourselves and in our families.

We do not have to live like this. God wants us to live in the freedom of the peace that He offers. There are so many scriptures we can pray over fear and anxiety but I want to share with you 10 Bible Verses you can pray right now over your own fear and over your family. Share...

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Worship with Power!

In this free Worship & Praise Bible study bundle, you'll receive a beautifully designed 9 page PDF that outlines three incredibly powerful worship concepts: Use Your Voice as a Trumpet Sound, Lift Up Your Hands in Victory, and the Sacrifice of Thanksgiving. 

You'll also be added to our email list so that you never miss out on new Bible study resources available through the Soul of Worship Ministry.