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[PODCAST] "Celebrate Me!"

Oct 05, 2021


In this episode, let's chat about how beautifully David worshiped God with "all of his might" in celebratory gladness and how we too can delight the heart of God by releasing a joyful sound unto the throne.

Over the last few weeks, God has really been pressing on my heart the following words, “CELEBRATE ME!”.

It started around the same time as the Jewish calendar celebrates their New Year and I couldn’t help but be reminded that God is a God that never changes…And if He thousands of years ago established feasts and seasons of celebration, then that is what He still desires from His children, even today.

The most common expression of praise that say all of the time is Hallelujah.

The root word is Halal which generally means to boast, brag, celebrate, or rave about God.

Halle-lu-YAH - When we say Hallelujah we are celebrating Yahweh.

We are bragging about how awesome and powerful He is - how great is His love and grace for us.

So take a listen to today's episode and hear God reminding you today, "CELEBRATE ME!"

Scripture References

  • 1 Chronicles 13-15
  • Revelation 5:12
  • Psalm 149:3-4
  • 2 Samuel 6
  • Amos 9:11



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